
Thanks for visiting and welcome to my Blog about Healthy Living for Parents, kids & babies… and yes, your babies of every age

As a Mom, Wife, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Parent Educator, and a professional with a Doctorate in Multicultural Communities, I will be sharing Reflections in this section of my website.

Its important to share how everything led me to this very moment…so please take a few moments to read about what inspired me to begin sharing my life’s Recipes, Remedies, and Reflections.  READ MORE about My Inspiration!

♥  Food Allergies & Children: Why Fresh is Best!

♥  Edible Plants & Fruits that Help You Survive The Wild

♥  Edible Dragon Fruit Finger Paint!

♥  The Yin and Yang of Phytonutrient Health!

♥  Protein from Vegetables vs. Meat… What’s the big deal?

♥ 8 Tips to Help Kids Eat Fruits & Veggies! Featuring: Vegan Spinach Lasagna

I look forward to sharing more Reflections with you, come back soon!

Dr. Dee

